Selasa, 06 November 2012

How to find the best valve heart surgeon to treat aortic stenosis or aortic insufficiency

When patients are facing a diagnosis of severe aortic valve disease, it is very difficult to sort out their best options. It is often a highly emotional moment and confused. This article will guide you to potential patients through the steps necessary to get good information on aortic valve operation better and find the right heart surgeon to meet their needs. A few words on these conditions of aortic valve: Aortic stenosis means that the aortic valve is severely calcified and rigid. You cannot open everything when it is supposed to. A normal aortic valve has three flimsy and extremely flexible flyers (cusps) that open and allow free movement through a circular cross-section with a diameter of about one inch. A severely stenotic valve only allows flow through a pinhole. Explaining that zip that doctors refer to as a "puff". The heart eventually tires and immediate surgery is needed before it gets to that point. Failure or aortic regurgitation is somewhat the opposite is true. The valve is lying or ' frozen ' in an open position and cannot close when it is supposed to. That is what is commonly referred to as a valve that loss. The heart struggles to maintain a continued because the oxygenated blood back. In the end, it enlarges and becomes progressively weaker. Again, surgery is needed before it loses its strength. Do not deceive yourself. There is no effective medical therapy for symptomatic severe aortic valve. It's a mechanical issue which demands a prompt solution. It requires one of two main surgical treatments: Aortic valve replacement with a mechanical, biological prosthetic valve or an autograft Aortic valve repair, especially in cases of aortic insufficiency Ross procedure in selected cases Most advanced minimally invasive cardiac surgery centers can maintain these procedures through a 2 "engraved on the right side of the chest between the ribs. This approach involves no cutting of the bone and is followed by a rapid recovery and healing wound with little pain or bleeding. Most patients can return to their homes and families within two to three days even if they are elderly and frail. This approach much better than a length or ministernotomy cutting through the breastbone heals Here are the questions to ask when seeking the right treatment and the surgeon: I am a candidate for minimally invasive aortic valve surgery? And if not, why not? Perform this type of surgery? How many of these operations performed and with what results? What kind of valve repair or suggest and why? I could talk about any of your patients minimally invasive surgery the previous valve? An experienced surgeon minimally invasive heart would have no trouble finding patients willing to share their experience with you If you're not satisfied with the answers, call a respectable minimally invasive heart centre who will be pleased to connect you to a heart surgeon and expert will provide all the information you need. Visit us for more information and pictures about surgical techniques for minimally invasive heart surgery Dr. revolutionary Clump. Dr. John b. Clump is a "superspecialist" minimally invasive aortic valve replacement, mitral valve repair, Coronary Bypass Surgery, ASD and repairs resection of atrial myxoma, familial. Is the Director of minimally invasive and bloodless heart surgery program at the heart Center Aultman. Currently runs a busy practice of cardiothoracic surgery renowned nationwide, where he takes care of many patients from the Cleveland Area and the rest of the country.

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